Dispatching & Transportation Operations

  • Careers

Dispatching & Transportation Operations Careers

A trucking career can involve much more than simply driving a truck. Trucking, or the transportation operations industry, can cover a wide range of career opportunities. Consider, for example, the definition given to transportation operations by Industry Canada: “The trucking sector consists of those companies that move goods by means of road transport (carriers). It includes firms that undertake the transport of goods for compensation (for-hire carriers), the trucking operations of firms that maintain their own fleets of vehicles (private carriers), and the business of owner-operators who haul trailers or other equipment using their own trucks (either leased or owned).”

This definition illustrates the sheer breadth and scope of the transport operations industry and hints at the numerous job titles and functions it encompasses, including:

  • Operations Managers
  • Logistics & Brokerage Clerks
  • Local Dispatchers
  • Highway Dispatchers
  • Driver Managers/Trainers/Recruiters
  • Load Planners
  • Safety & Compliance Officers
  • Log Book Auditors
  • Fleet Maintenance Officers
  • Loss Prevention Administrators
  • Warehouse Supervisor
  • Customer Service Rep
  • Sales

These trucking careers all have very different earning potential, though generally speaking, starting salaries in the transportation operations industry are quite high. Graduates from the Dispatching and Transportation Operations Program are well positioned to take advantage of the high demand for trained graduates, and may be hired by major transportation companies.

Why Choose ATC?

Here are 4 reasons to choose Automotive Training Centre

Smaller classes for better learning outcomes

Flexible schedule: study while you work

Professional real world, industry experienced instructors

Intense hands-on training so you can master your skill set

Peter Ashley Anglade Auto Mechanic

At first my cousin talked to me about this school and told me it was really good. When I came to Montréal, I saw that this program was really interesting. The way the instructor teach us the program, it’s made for people that want to work in the trade. Our instructor, Michel, is a really good guy. He made us practice enough so that we are ready to get in the trade.

One day my cousin saw me work on her car and she thought it was really interesting; I told her that I learned everything at Automotive Training Centres. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give ATC an 8.5!

Peter Ashley Anglade, graduate program, August 2012

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