Surrey Campus
Automotive Sales Salary

Interested in earning a Car Salesman Salary that could be as high as $100,000 per year?
You know what happens when demand for a specific job goes up. Salaries also go up. That’s exactly what is happening for Sales and Leasing Professionals, a job category that is expanding quickly for two reasons:
- a growing shortage of well trained individuals to fill sales occupations
- Service Canada predicts there will be strong demand for qualified candidates in Sales and Service, Business, Finance and Administration” because this sector will account for more than 45% of all retirements over the next five years. “
What’s the bottom line? Top performers Sales Consultants can earn an annual car salesman of as much as $100,000 per year!
Learn more about a Car Salesman Salary and related information by reading our pages on:
- Automotive Sales and Leasing Career Outlook featured on our Car Sales Training page
- Automotive Sales and Leasing Salary & benefits featured on our Auto Salesman Salary page
- Automotive Sales and Leasing Course outline featured on our Auto Sales Training page