12160 88 Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 3J2

Surrey Campus

Game Based Automotive Technology Training

  • Description

Now students at Automotive Training Centres have an exciting new learning resource to help them become more prepared mechanics. Instead of a textbook, we use the celebrated ARGO e-learning platform to visually demonstrate the inner workings of automotive components and technologies. Leveraging the same innovative technology that powers today’s most sophisticated video games, the platform uses an interactive, game-based format that is visually immersive and frequently updated to ensure the most comprehensive and relevant training possible.

With hundreds of fine-tuned lessons, students can experience real-time simulations and 3D animations of complex ideas with ease, investigating the intricacies of auto mechanics like never before. It is a fun way to learn, encouraging guided self-discovery through a series of interactive tasks for deeper insights and more effective knowledge retention. If you love cars, our game-based automotive technology training is the best way to prepare yourself for a rewarding career.

Why Choose ATC?

Here are 4 reasons to choose Automotive Training Centre

Smaller classes for better learning outcomes

Flexible schedule: study while you work

Professional real world, industry experienced instructors

Intense hands-on training so you can master your skill set

Pardeep Gill Transportation Operations and Dispatching


My name is Pardeep Gill, and I graduated from the Dispatching and Transportation Operations program at the Automotive Training Centre.

I very much enjoyed my time at the school, the interaction with my fellow students, and the guidance of my instructor, Lawrence Candiago, which was invaluable to me in my training.

I was employed directly by my practicum company, and after gaining the experience that I needed, I moved on to Merchant’s Xpress as the main Dispatcher.  I love my new career and find it fulfilling and rewarding.  I was offered Industry Standard wages from my start date because of the range and scope of my training at ATC, so the compensation was more than adequate and directly related to my success in the program.  I look forward to continuing my employment there in the future.

I wanted to say thanks to everyone at ATC for their help, I would encourage anyone with an interest in the transportation or dispatching fields to enroll in this program.


Pardeep Gill

Graduate, Dispatching and Transportation Operations

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Surrey Campus

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