12160 88 Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 3J2

Surrey Campus

Learn How To Paint A Car Professionally

When you learn how to paint a car at Automotive Training Centre, you get the hands-on training required to make a successful entry into the auto industry.

What to expect when you learn how to paint a car

  • Introduction to the Automotive Industry and shop safety
  • Automotive detailing
  • Automotive refinishing prep tools and shop procedures
  • Materials
  • Surface preparation
  • Small dent repair
  • Priming
  • Plastic parts refinishing
  • Masking procedures
  • Introduction to refinishing procedures
  • Tools and equipment
  • Welding technology
  • Sheet metal repair
  • Vehicle construction technology
  • Plastic repair technology

To learn more about how to paint a car, read our web pages the following pages:

Why Choose ATC?

Here are 4 reasons to choose Automotive Training Centre

Smaller classes for better learning outcomes

Flexible schedule: study while you work

Professional real world, industry experienced instructors

Intense hands-on training so you can master your skill set

Shakeil Roberts Automotive Technology

1 – Why did you choose ATC?
Because it’s a short course and has good reviews.

2 – What are the people like at ATC?
Very helpful and friendly also very humble.

3 – What kind of person should go to ATC?
Someone who is serious about the course and is ready to work hard.

4 – How do you feel your training at ATC has given you an edge?
I feel I have an edge because of the pace of the material. That same pace gives me a big edge at work and gets me ready for the occasional rush.

5 – What are your benefits of attending ATC?
I am doing what I love, good at it and saved myself a year of schooling. I get a taste of the work place a lot earlier.

6 – Why would you recommend ATC to someone else?
I would recommend ATC because it gets you ready to work. You have all the knowledge you need to begin your career.

7 – What is the overall feeling about your experience at ATC?
Overall my experience was amazing. I learned a lot. I’m happy I chose here because now I can move on with my future goal having had an excellent foundation here at ATC.

Read all testimonials

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Surrey Campus

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