Montreal Campus
Auto Mechanic Montreal
Pursuing a career as an auto mechanic Montreal is a smart choice because Quebec depends on the work of skilled trades people and there’s always high demand for trained professionals in skilled technical trades. Better still, as the Baby Boomer generation retires there will be even more demand for skilled trades people.

- Description
- Jobs
- Salaries
- Careers
- Training
- Certificate
You can specialize in traditional areas, such as Mechanics, Wheels and Brakes, or a cutting area field such as vehicle electronics. Whatever your choice, more than half of your time will be spent doing real work in our auto shop, the best approach because it means you learn by doing, as opposed to being taught out of a text book.
Getting started now makes sense because what other career allows you to draw a good salary while doing something you love – working on cars? Step one is to become an apprentice, a position that allows you to “earn while you learn.”
To learn more about the career potential for an auto mechanic Montreal, read our web pages on:
- Auto mechanic Montreal
- Auto mechanic jobs Montreal
- Auto mechanic salary Montreal
- Auto mechanic career Montreal
- Auto mechanic certification Montreal
- Auto mechanic training Montreal
- Become auto mechanic Montreal
Why wait? Request your Free Automotive Career Training Info Kit Today! Your inquiry will be processed quickly! For more information on our Montreal Automotive Training Programs, visit our Automotive Training Center Montreal Campus
- Description
- Jobs
- Salaries
- Careers
- Training
- Certificate