3399 Boul Crémazie E, Montréal, QC H1Z 2J1


Career Placements at ATC Montreal

Automotive Training Centers is committed to helping students launch successful careers in the automotive industry. That means we provide top quality training AND superior career placement assistance, so graduates can put their new skills to work directly after finishing the program.

Leveraging time-tested relationships with industry employers, ATC helps students make a smooth transition from training to employment. Local automotive businesses trust the quality of ATC programs, and regularly hire the graduates we recommend for placement.

Begin your career, not just a job!

Rey Bonda Automotive Service Technician

Today is a bittersweet day for me as I leave the Automotive Training Centre and walk into my future.  I attended the Automotive Service Technician Foundation program, and though the 42 weeks seemed long at times, I feel that the training I received and the report I had with my classmates has improved me as a person and a mechanic.

There are many jobs in the industry looking for qualified technicians, and I know that I can be one of them with the skills that I learned here.  I had the best instructor, and all of the staff was helpful, cheerful and I felt always there to assist me in my journey.

As I head into the future of my life, with a new baby on the way, and a great career choice under my belt, I am feeling very trained, skilled, positive and very, very happy.

My best to ATC!

Rey Bonda


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Montreal Campus

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