Automotive Service Technician

  • Program

Automotive Service Technician Schools available in Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal and Online Training

Automotive Services Technician programs provide students with a rigorous learning experience in the basics of automotive service and repair. Automotive Services Technician schools are rooted in an actual auto shop experience, with expert instructors combining classroom theory with hands-on training. Students can develops skills and familiarity with the day-to-day work experience of an auto mechanic.

Please click on the links below for more information on Automotive Service Technician programs at each ATC campus.

Automotive Service Technician Toronto Campus

Automotive Service Technician Surrey Campus

Automotive Service Technician Surrey Campus

Automotive Service Technician Online Training

Why Choose ATC?

Here are 4 reasons to choose Automotive Training Centre

Smaller classes for better learning outcomes

Flexible schedule: study while you work

Professional real world, industry experienced instructors

Intense hands-on training so you can master your skill set

Dean Woloshen Auto Body Technician

Dean Woloshen
I had a great experience at ATC. The instructors were very experienced and excited to be passing on their knowledge to others. What I learnt at ATC helped me open up my own shop where I now have students doing their practicum. Having the ATC course under your belt really gives you an edge. Anyone interested in the automotive or auto body should sign up with ATC.

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