When deciding on which auto body training program is right for you, there are a lot of factors to consider. Most students choosing to pursue an auto body training program should know that the ultimate goal for most auto body specialists is to receive various accreditations that let employers know of your ability to produce great work, as well as provide you with proof that your skills are worth higher wages. As a student in an auto body training program, you can contact the Industry Training Authority (ITA) to apply some of your time in training towards your first level of apprenticeship.
Continue reading to discover three industry accreditations that will help you acquire the skills necessary to get recognized by prospective employers and begin your career in an exciting and expanding field.
1. Auto Body Training Often Begins with Refinishing Prep Technician Certification
To obtain refinishing prep technician certification, students begin their training in auto body repair schools, and will need to complete 1,680 hours of hands-on work and 1 level of examination and practical assessment. This experience will have you honing your skills in prepping cars for custom paint, priming surfaces through chemical cleaning or applying molding putty, as well as several other duties. The hours needed for accreditation equals out to about 10 months of full-time work, and once you receive this accreditation you’ll be happy to know that on average, a certified refinishing prep technician’s salary is $44,000 per year in Canada. Plus, once you obtain this certification, it becomes the platform to launch you into more advanced accreditations, like an automotive painter apprenticeship.
2. Students at Auto Body Repair Schools can get Creative with an Automotive Painter Apprenticeship
An automotive painter apprenticeship requires 5,280 hours or just less than two years of training to complete. You must also complete the first level of practical assessment and examination. During your training you will learn how to paint and refinish cars, buses, and trucks whether for restoration or for custom work. You will also learn how to match car colours, blend paint to the correct thickness, and learn how to operate a paint spray gun to apply primers and paints effectively. Industry pros know that this career path requires a lot of dedication, but is also extremely fun and creative in nature.

3. Auto Body Repair Courses can Ultimately Lead to Repair Technician Certification
Often auto body repair technicians, or motor vehicle body repairers, begin their careers in auto body repair courses, and later become recognized tradesmen with the Industry Training Authority. They become the primary technicians that replace and repair damaged motor vehicle structures, interiors, body parts, and exterior finishes. This can include using machinery to straighten frames that have been bent out of shape, removing damaged sections of vehicles, repairing damage to body panels, and using previously acquired skills in painting to spray cars. This certification is given after completing about 6,750 hours of auto body training hours and 3 levels of assessments and examinations. Basically, once you’ve received this accreditation, you can do it all!
These three levels of certification all begin with effective auto body training and can lead to a lifetime of steady employment in an exciting, creative, and hands-on field.
Want to begin your journey towards accreditation and a successful and steady career?
Contact an advisor today to find out more about our auto body training!