3 Times of Year Auto Service Advisors Will See Lots of Accidents
It’s no secret that certain times of year are more dangerous for driving than others. Seasonal variables like snow and rain can create hazardous conditions that make it difficult to keep a vehicle in control, and in those conditions, drivers are encouraged to drive slower and more carefully.
It’s not only in these conditions that many accidents are seen, though. According to data from Transport Canada, many months of the year experience relatively similar numbers of accidents, with some months holding worse records than what you might expect.
Curious about which times of the year are the worst for accidents? Here is a breakdown.
1. Unsurprisingly, Auto Service Advisors Will See Lots of Accidents from December to February
When snow and freezing rain begin to fall, it’s a pretty sure sign that you can expect a fair number of car accidents, and the numbers back that up. From 2004 to 2013, those months experienced 330,193 collisions across Canada. This includes everything from minor bumps to deadly accidents. Many are caused by the slick conditions brought on by winter weather.
Not all drivers have the good sense to put winter tires on their cars. When working as an auto service advisor in the wintertime, you might encourage those drivers to purchase winter tires for their vehicle. This is an easy way to improve traction and reduce the odds of being in an accident.
2. Surprisingly, the Fall Months Are Even Worse Than the Winter Ones
Though most drivers dread the coming of winter and all the hazards it brings, it turns out they should be more concerned about fall. From 2004 to 2013, Transport Canada reported 353,132 collisions in the months of September, October, and November.
There are many reasons why these months are dangerous. They tend to be rainy, and animal activity on roadways tends to increase in the fall, too. Unexpected snowfall in October or November can catch drivers unaware and also contribute to the number of accidents.

3. Auto Service Advisors Will See the Most Accidents in the Summer
Summer months are at the top of the pile when it comes to sheer number of accidents. From 2004 to 2013, there were 360,412 accidents across Canada in June, July, and August.
In part, this is to be expected, as people drive more in the summer. If the data were adjusted to account for the number of vehicles on the road and the number of kilometers driven, it’s likely that winter would prove the season in which drivers were at the most relative risk. In terms of raw, absolute numbers, though, the fact remains that you’ll see more collisions in the summer during your automotive service advisor career.
Being without a car during the summer can mean trouble—missed soccer games, cancelled vacations, etc.—so be prepared for customers to be a little on edge if they are waiting for repairs. Maintaining your cool, and making whatever deals and concessions you can, are great ways to help keep your customers happy in this sort of difficult time.
It turns out that spring is the only relatively safe season for drivers (for the curious, they had just 289,715 accidents from 2004 to 2013). When working as an auto service advisor, you can expect this season to involve fewer repairs than during other times of the year.
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