Want to make sure you do a great job impressing potential employers at job interviews? It’s a good idea to take a few steps to prepare before walking in. With just a bit of effort, it’s possible to give yourself the extra confidence and readiness that are sure to impress employers.
Wondering where to get started? Here are a few ideas that can help you get fully ready for the first interview you do after training to become a dispatcher.
Make Sure You Look & Act Professionally When Walking into an Interview
First impressions are important, so when walking into a job interview, make sure yours is a good one. For most interviews, an outfit that is business casual, such as a nice collared shirt and chinos, is appropriate.
There are also a couple of small elements of personal presentation that are worth using. Here are some important examples:
- Sit and stand with good posture
- Give a firm handshake to the people interviewing you
- Turn off your cell phone and avoid chewing gum
By keeping these important points in mind, you’ll be able to show the interviewer that you are professional and ready to begin your career.
Use Your Dispatcher Training to Come up With Thoughtful Questions for the Interviewer
Interviewers will almost always ask if you have questions, and it can be a good idea to have a few prepared. Having good questions ready demonstrates that you’re interested in the opportunity, and are the kind of person who doesn’t shy away from doing a little bit of extra work to know a little more about the company you’re applying to.
Completing dispatcher training will give you an expert understanding of industry tools and trends, and this portion of the interview can be a great way for you to demonstrate some of this knowledge. Consider thinking up some questions about software the company uses for tracking and managing deliveries and drivers, their vision for the company going forward, or anything else that interests you. Making the interview a friendly, engaging, and productive conversation can help the interviewer remember you fondly after you’ve gone—and could help convince them to send an offer your way.
Do Some Research When Applying to Jobs After Dispatcher Training
It’s important that you feel confident and ready to put your best foot forward during your interview, so taking some time for research and review is one of the best things you can do before an interview. Review some key concepts from your transportation operations program before heading into the interview—concepts from operations management or specific skills in dispatching, for example. It’s also a good idea to go online and see if you can find example interview questions and practice answering them to a friend or to the mirror.
With your head full of all the concepts and skills you learned in training and an idea of the kinds of questions to expect, you’ll feel ready to step into your interview with confidence. You’ll be prepared to impress and land a job you will love, beginning your rewarding career in dispatching.

Do you want to attend one of the best dispatch schools in Montreal?
Contact Automotive Training Centres to learn more about getting started!