3 Ways You’ll Use Welding Techniques After Automotive School
Welding is the process of fusing two or more parts together using heat, pressure, or both. Several automotive repairs can be effectively carried out with welding. There are several types of welding that require different equipment and techniques, each having its advantages and disadvantages. For example, tungsten inert gas (TIG) welding is popular because it creates clean, precise results; however, one common drawback is the high price of equipment.
Arc welding is another popular technique, as it is quite easy to learn and will likely be your first introduction to welding. This type of welding doesn’t require a shielding gas to protect the welding area from oxygen and water vapour, and it’s relatively inexpensive. That being said, it’s quite difficult to weld thin sheet metals this way as it’s a rather aggressive welding technique that may cause damage to materials that have too much give. In addition, there’s a lot of clean-up involved with arc welding. Perhaps the best wedding technique for automotive repairs is metal inert gas (MIG). It’s quick, easy to learn, and it’s a one-handed process that allows auto technicians to use their free hand to maneuver tools and other materials.
Now that you know three of the most common welding techniques you may come across throughout your career, you might be curious about the ways in which they might be used. Keep reading to learn more!
1. You’ll Use Welding to Fix Frames
After automotive school, you may be tasked with welding vehicle frames back together. The frame, historically known as a car’s chassis, is the main supporting structure of the vehicle, and all other components are attached to it. During collisions, it’s common for frames to be damaged. In most cases, a bent or broken frame requires an auto technician to remove the damaged piece of metal. You would then weld the new metal piece to the frame, restoring it to its original condition. When servicing vehicle frames, be sure that your welding table and jigs are well-fastened and flat.

2. Automotive Service Technicians May Fix Exhaust Systems With Welding
The primary function of the exhaust system is to move toxic fumes away from the engine and cabin. When the exhaust system is not functioning properly, drivers will experience lower fuel efficiency, decreased power, and rusting due to age and moisture. As an automotive service technician tasked with repairing rust holes that appear with time, you may have to cut, clamp, and apply rust remover to affected areas. Remember to keep safety in mind when working with harmful chemicals that come out of the exhaust pipes. Be sure to clean up all oil and grease to avoid fire hazards, and be sure to work in a well-ventilated area to avoid inhaling highly carcinogenic fumes.

3. Repair Metal Wheel Frames With Welding
By simply hitting too many potholes or getting into minor collisions, drivers can significantly damage the wheel frames of a vehicle. Auto service technicians can weld cracked frames back together. Welding is an excellent skill that is useful across a variety of industries. When you complete our Auto Service Technician program, you’ll learn the fundamentals of welding and how you might use the skill to service vehicles.
If you’re interested in a career in auto repair, a good automotive school can teach you the ins and outs of vehicles, including electrical fundamentals, wheel alignment, engine servicing, and much more.
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