4 Career Tips for Students Enrolled in Our Online Collision Estimator Program

Traffic collisions happen more than you probably think. In the US, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that a collision occurs on average once every sixty seconds. In Canada, it is estimated that around 160,000 traffic accidents occur each year. 

Many of the thousands of vehicles involved in these incidents will need to be repaired. When this happens, a collision estimator essentially functions as the messenger between a damaged car and a repair shop. Using written and computer estimation procedures, they assess the vehicle and its damages and estimate what will need to be done, and how much these repairs will cost the client. 

A collision estimator might work for a dealership, a garage, or an insurance company, and they form an integral part of these workplaces. If you’re interested in studying to join this lucrative field of work, read on to learn five tips that will help you as you begin your career. 

Standard Operating Procedures Are a Collision Estimator’s Best Friend 

Because a day in the life of a collision estimator can be busy, it’s sensible to stay organized, and having standard procedures can help you do this. A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a blueprint of instructions for a complex operation that a professional might perform on a routine basis.

Developing SOPs will make your job smoother and more efficient

As a collision estimator, you might be performing as many as ten or fifteen different assessments simultaneously, depending on the size of your employer. Because they can guard against potential mistakes or missteps, having an easy-to-follow SOP will be your greatest ally. 

Even After Online Collision Estimator Training, Your Education Never Stops 

Though you’ll learn how to skillfully navigate industry computer software during your online collision estimator training, technology is constantly evolving. As you progress in your career, you’ll find that the software you use, and the procedures that go along with it, are constantly being updated and refined, and you’ll need to work to keep up to date. 

Automotive technologies are also constantly changing to become safer, more efficient, and more effective, and this will change the way repairs are approached and the components involved, which will impact the cost of projects. 

Though you might finish your program, in some ways you’ll continue to be a student. Every day at work is an opportunity to learn something new, and the most effective collision estimators take advantage of this. 

Good Communication Skills Are Very Valuable 

Because so much of being a collision estimator entails working with your hands, sometimes you can forget that your voice is just as valuable. As a collision estimator, you’re the liaison between clients and the shop, garage, dealership, or insurance company. As a messenger, it’s important that your communication skills are as fine-tuned as a transmission system. 

For clients, being involved in a collision can be an emotionally damaging experience. Couple that with needing to spend large amounts of money on fixing a damaged car, and it’s easy to see why some customers can be stressed. Building up the interpersonal skills that allow you to communicate clearly and empathetically will help alleviate their stress and make you the best collision estimator you can be. 

Stay Calm Under Pressure 

Collision estimators can find themselves needing to assess a dozen or more vehicles at once, meaning they need to be quick and efficient in their work. As a result, the ability to stay cool-headed under pressure is invaluable, but don’t worry if it doesn’t come naturally to you.

Learning different ways to stay calm under pressure is important

The skills you learn in online automotive school will help, as you will be introduced to tactics a collision estimator can use to stay relaxed and on top of your game. For instance, keeping detailed records will be useful for you, as well as your client and your company. Exercising good time management will ensure that each task is given enough care. And working on your multitasking abilities will help you get into the groove of the daily routine of a collision estimator. 

Want to enrol in an online collision estimator program

Contact Automotive Training Centres for more info! 

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