They say that a workman is only as good as his tools, and that’s certainly true when it comes to auto bodywork. Technicians carry out complex repair and refinishing jobs, removing dents and repainting delicate surfaces. Professional standard tools can be the difference between a straightforward job and one that causes constant headaches.
A good auto body shop needs to be equipped with a number of important hand tools, power tools, and automated equipment to make sure repair experts can handle any job. Some such tools can include air compressors, caulking irons, and files. However, there are a few that are more crucial than others. What should students pursuing auto body careers make sure to have in their toolboxes? These are just some of the most invaluable tools you’ll use during your career.
1. HVLP Spray Gun: The Most Important Tool An Auto Body Technician Uses
Completing a good paint job can be the most important part of a body technician’s work. Issues with the paint finish are among the most visible things a customer will notice, so it needs to be perfect. HVLP Guns are used in most base coat or clear coat finishes, and can be very expensive, but are essential to a body technician’s work.
2. Hammer And Dolly Set: Tools To Last Your Entire Auto Body Repair Career
Students considering careers in auto collision repair would be wise to invest in a good hammer and dolly set, which can cost anywhere between $50 and $200. Proper auto body hammers and dollies are vital to professional panel beating, and with practice, can be used to correct even the most stubborn service dents. In addition, with proper care, a good set can last a lifetime, making it a great investment.
3. Sanding Blocks: Shaping Your Career in Auto Body Repair
Sanding blocks have a range of uses in body repair, including color sanding and buffing, shaping body filler and cutting high spots in body work. They are very affordable, and can even be homemade using pieces of wood or a flat steel bar.
4. Slide Hammer: An Auto Body Technician’s Best Friend
An experienced auto body technician uses a slide hammer to pull out panels and repair dents. The tool has a long round shaft with a sliding hammer weight, to produce force without actually striking the panel. Most slide hammers come with a number of different screw and hook attachments, and some auto body shops will even make their own to deal with unusual dents.
5. Disc Sander: An Invaluable Investment For Auto Refinishing Experts
While not essential for amateur enthusiasts, a disc sander is a must-have for anyone serious about a career in auto body repair. The versatile power tool can be used for basic sanding and body filler shaping, as a heavy-duty grinder, or even a file substitute. Disc sanders are fairly affordable, and they are great timesavers for any repair job.
Are you interested in pursuing a career in auto body repair?
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