5 Reasons Mechanics Should Welcome the Shift Toward Hybrid and Electric Vehicles After Automotive School
Pursuing a career in auto mechanics has always been an excellent choice for car lovers seeking a stable, well-paying career. As long as we drive cars, we’ll need someone to fix them, right? That statement is still true today. We all drive and need regular automotive services from time to time, but the nature of these services is changing. With the rise of hybrids and electric vehicles, many wonder what life as a modern auto mechanic might look like.
As technology advances, we can expect many exciting changes amidst this dramatic shift in the auto industry apart from the ones we always hear about, like improvements to fuel economy, for example, which will have great implications for the environment and the pockets of the everyday driver. As an aspiring mechanic or auto technician, there are many great developments to look forward to and many reasons to prepare yourself for the changing demands of the industry. Let’s explore a few of them!
1. The Nature of Mechanic Services is Predicted to Change
Hybrids and electric vehicles continue to grow in popularity, and this trend likely won’t slow down. For example, Ford expects electric vehicles to make up 40% of its sales by 2030. You probably have many questions if you’re entering or finishing automotive school. What work will you do? What kind of equipment will you work with? To name a few changes, in addition to preventative maintenance, you can expect to do a lot of interesting computer work, using scanners to diagnose problems in vehicles before addressing them. There are several pieces of equipment you’ll add to your toolkit once you begin your career, including professional-grade scanning tools, which offer all the diagnostic information you could possibly need at your fingertips. You’ll also likely work with a digital multimeter to test the voltage of a vehicle’s battery.

2. There Will be an Increased Demand for Specialized Technicians
Sure, the need for gasoline car services will decrease, but the demand for automotive services will never be rendered obsolete – they’re simply changing. Now, the hybrid and electric vehicle mechanic with specialized training in high-voltage machinery is the unicorn of the automotive industry. According to a report by Clean Energy Canada, careers in the electric vehicle technology industry will increase by a whopping 39%. The Financial Post says that’s a 26-fold employment increase by the year 2030! Getting trained as a hybrid and electric vehicle mechanic is a worthy investment for your future.
3. EV Savvy Mechanics Will Help Mitigate The Learning Curve for New EV Drivers
As the automotive landscape continues to change dramatically, mechanics aren’t the only ones with new skills to learn. New hybrid and EV drivers will be looking to their local hybrid and electric vehicle mechanics for the information they need. They’ll certainly have questions about what sort of charger they should buy, how to conserve battery life, and much more. Getting trained in a hybrid technology training class gives you the tools to answer customer questions confidently.

4. Growing Opportunities Amidst Skill Gap
Of course, not everyone will be willing to keep up with the inevitable changes taking place in the automotive industry. The result of this resistance has been a skill gap. This summer, the Automotive Industries Association of Canada has acknowledged the need for skilled automotive technicians to close the widening skill gap as Canada shifts toward more fuel-efficient vehicles. In response, training institutions across the country, including ATC Surrey, have developed programs to make sure that future mechanics are prepared to deal with hybrids and EVs. This skill gap means more room in the industry for those who are willing to meet the modern demands of their clients. That can be you!
5. The Training you Need to Update Your Skills is Available in Automotive School
Fortunately, you already have several options for upgrading your skills today. Our Hybrid Technology Training program will equip you with the skills you need to service hybrids, do general maintenance, understand energy storing systems, deal with safety issues, and more. Practicums allow you the opportunity to learn in a shop environment in order to be prepared for work in the real world through intense, hands-on training.
Are you ready to begin your hybrid and electric mechanic training?
Contact ATC Surrey to get started!