ATC Student News (Spring Edition)

With the weather warming up and spring in full swing, it’s easy to be happy at this time of year, but especially when you have great student news to report!

With March just coming to a close (Happy Belated April Fool’s Day by the way) we are happy and proud of our graduates and students completing their practicums. We’d like to send our congratulations to:

Great work guys! We wish you the very best in your automotive careers. Meanwhile, there is also good news on the practicum front. So far:

  • Awais Shah, from our Automotive Service Technician Foundation program, did such a great job at his practicum, he managed to snag a position at Jim Pattison Toyota in Surrey.
  • Students Cindy Panduru, Awais Shah and Devon Raines also had practicums at Jim Pattison Toyota, with Awais and Devon hired immediately following its completion (Cindy is still on her practicum there. Good luck Cindy!).

Here is a photo of the successful trio at the North Surrey Automall:

Obviously, we love reading (and sharing) this kind of news, and we’re doing everything we can to make sure there’s a consistent stream of it! Student and graduate job postings will once again be posted on a weekly basis on the common student bulletin boards. They can also be emailed to you, by request (please email Rebecca in Student Services at to receive this weekly email).

Congratulations again to all our successful graduates.

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