Hello there, my name is Sandra Lote and I have had the pleasure of attending ATC, since the 20th of April 2015, training to be an automotive mechanic. We have been learning about brake systems as of late and I am quite surprised about the science involved in something we take for granted. Having a science background of being a senior science teacher and a chemist, this course has really piqued my interest in understanding the nature of a device we use every day to get anywhere.
Our teacher Bill is a very experienced mechanic, who is hilarious and approachable. I look forward to his stories and antics in class. This past month I have learnt so much and am excited to see how much my grey matter has grown in 39 weeks. Having 50 % of school time in the shop makes learning all the vocabulary much easier, as learning about all the systems of a car can be as daunting as first year university biology.
Being a woman in a male dominated field is quite refreshing but not for the faint hearted. But living in Australia for 11 years gave me a foot up. Every single person I have come across at this school has been extremely respectful and helpful and I would recommend it to anyone looking to do a physically and mentally stimulating job or a change in career. Bring on the girls.