Good internal communication is essential for any business, but especially for automotive shops. With so many different workers, from management and mechanics to service writers and more, everyone needs to be on the same page so each day can run as smoothly as possible.
Once you become an auto service writer, you’ll soon realize that the role involves a lot of communication. One of a service writer’s main duties is to act as a liaison between the customer and the mechanic. Because of this, internal communication practices can have a direct impact on a service writer’s ability to do their job.
If you’re considering enrolling in an auto service program, read on to learn more about how you can help improve internal communication once you start your career.
Auto Services Writers Use Reporting Systems to Improve Internal Communication
There are two types of internal communication: vertical and horizontal. Vertical communication occurs between a worker and management, while horizontal communication occurs between two workers of the same authority. Auto service writers can improve both types of communication by ensuring that vertical and horizontal reporting procedures are in place.
In a chaotic auto shop, it can be hard to determine who needs to know what information and when they need to know it. This can leave key people in the dark about important company and operational matters. Therefore, formal systems that lay out who should be told what information and when can help ensure everyone in the shop has the information they need to make good decisions.
For example, say a customer is unsatisfied with their service. The service writer, who may be handling the complaint, doesn’t know who to go to with the information, so they run around the shop looking for someone who has the authority to handle the situation. If the shop had a well-thought-out reporting system, the service writer would know immediately which supervisor or manager on duty to approach for help. This would not only make things run more quickly, but also ensure management is in the loop.

A Notice Board Can Help Improve Internal Communication
As grads of auto service college likely know, in bigger automotive shops, it can be difficult to distribute important information about company news, changes in procedure, or upcoming promotions to every single employee, even though the information is important for everyone to be aware of. To combat this, suggest that your shop create a notice board.
By placing the notice board in an area that employees frequent, like a break room, and making it mandatory for each employee to quickly check for updates at the beginning of a shift, you ensure that everyone has the knowledge they need to provide great customer service or make adjustments in the way they are doing things to accommodate company changes.
Auto Services Writers Can Suggest Opportunities for Feedback to Improve Internal Communication
While working as an auto service writer, you’ll learn a lot about your automotive shop’s communication, and what’s working and what’s not. Yours and other employees’ insights offer an important look into company operations and are valuable to management, since they may not be on the ground experiencing it on a daily basis.
If your company doesn’t have a formal way to submit feedback, like a suggestions box or monthly meetings, try suggesting the idea of a feedback sharing system. You, among your other colleagues, can use it to share ways you think communication, or anything else, could be improved within the shop.
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