How to Keep Drivers Safe During COVID-19 Explained for Students in Dispatcher Courses Online

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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought the world to a grinding halt. Not only are businesses and schools closed, but we must now practice physical distancing, wash our hands regularly, and avoid all travel unless it’s essential.

This last part is especially pertinent to the transportation industry, as going from location to location is the job’s biggest requirement. This means transportation professionals now have to take the necessary measures to keep themselves and others safe during this time.

For those who want to become a transportation safety supervisor, knowing how to keep drivers safe and healthy is an important skill to have. Therefore, understanding the guidelines for driver safety as outlined by provincial or federal governments is a must. Here are some tips for how to keep drivers safe during COVID-19.

Avoid Driving Whenever Possible, Unless Travelling is Necessary

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant that any travel outside of your home area is discouraged unless it’s essential. This applies to dispatchers as well, as delaying or cancelling non-essential trips can prevent any potential exposure to the virus, and prevent drivers from potentially transmitting the virus to others asymptomatically.

Anyone working in commercial vehicle operations should follow these guidelines, but it’s especially important for those training to become a transportation safety supervisor to remember. Any vehicles being shared between drivers should also be limited so that they are not risking transmitting the virus to each other.

careers in the auto industry
Make sure drivers clean and disinfect all surfaces in the vehicles

If Driving is a Must, Take Safety Precautions Beforehand

Careers in the auto industry involve carrying out all tasks with the utmost care, and this especially includes keeping others safe and minimizing any potential threat to that safety.

During COVID-19, this is of the highest importance, sincethe virus can survive on surfaces within vehicles for at least 24 hours. Make sure all surfaces within the car are sanitized and disinfected and have hand sanitizer available at all times for the driver to use. The driver should also wear a mask and other PPE (personal protective equipment), and if possible, place a barrier between them and others.

Those With Careers in the Auto Industry Must Minimize Contact With Others

Students taking their dispatcher courses online can understand that those who work in the auto industry, particularly in transportation and dispatching, may come into contact with many different kinds of people. These include clients, suppliers, and colleagues, to name a few, and can pose a risk of them contracting the virus due to exposure.

Transportation safety supervisors, fleet managers, drivers, and other employees should avoid in-person meetings wherever possible, and instead use digital platforms like Zoom or Skype. Lastly (and most importantly), if any drivers or other personnel are feeling sick or exhibiting any symptoms of COVID-19, they must stay home and self-isolate until they have recovered.

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