Exploring Careers in the Auto Industry? 5 Signs Auto Body Estimating is Right for You
Ever thought about who’s responsible for what happens when a vehicle gets into an accident? That role belongs to the auto body estimator, a professional whose job it is to guide customers through the process of assessment, repair, and insurance claims after their vehicle’s been in an accident. Auto body estimators will analyze the damage done to a vehicle, obtain and document information on how the accident happened, and determine the condition of the vehicle prior to the accident. Using the information they’ve gathered, these professionals will then determine what repairs are needed, and place the necessary work orders. Next, they’ll communicate with insurance companies to collect insurance estimates, which they’ll use to give the customer an estimate of how much it will cost to have their vehicle repaired.
With their skills, auto body estimators can work in automotive dealerships, insurance companies, independent body shops, and even independently as a private estimator. If this type of work sounds appealing, read on to discover five different signs that this career path is right for you!
1. If You’re a Strong Communicator, Consider Estimating as an Auto Career
Auto body estimators must communicate with customers throughout the entire assessment and repair process, from the moment a vehicle undergoes an accident until the payment for the repair is complete. These professionals must be able to keep customers informed of any updates or changes when it comes to determining what repairs are needed and the extent to which they can expect insurance to cover the payment. Additionally, auto body estimators must be able to coordinate between the repair shop, the insurance company, and other relevant parties to exchange information. If communication is your strong suit, consider a career as an auto body estimator after completing your auto mechanic training.

2. You’re a Problem Solver
Are you a good critical thinker? If so, you’re already equipped with an important skill to excel as an auto body estimator. Auto body estimators must be able to analyze the damage done to a vehicle, and compare their analysis to the description of the event of the accident. They must also take into consideration the prior condition of the vehicle, and use this information to determine what the cost of repairs will be. As each accident will be different, it’s important that you’re able to think critically about each unique situation to develop a viable solution.
3. You Pay Attention to Detail
Auto body estimators are nothing if not detail oriented. In order to file an accurate service order and determine what parts need replacing, these professionals must carefully examine the body of a vehicle to spot all relevant damage. Additionally, auto body estimators are responsible for taking into account each piece of information they obtain from insurance companies, vehicle owners, and repair shops, ensuring that no important detail is missed. If you’re attentive to detail, an auto career as an estimator could be right for you.

4. You Take Good Notes
Record keeping is an essential part of an auto body estimator’s responsibilities. Throughout the estimation process, every detail must be clearly documented. Auto body estimators must make note of the details they obtain from customers, the notes from their initial assessments, the details of the repair shop and technicians involved in the repair, the parts provider sending out replacement parts, and more. Each detail will be important in case any party involved needs to obtain accurate information in the future.
5. You Have Good Time Management Skills
At any given moment, auto body estimators have a range of responsibilities on their plate. Not only do these professionals need to evaluate the condition of vehicles, they must also coordinate with customers, repair shops and insurance companies – either by phone or in person. With such a busy schedule and a variety of tasks to complete each day, it’s important that auto body estimators have strong time management skills. Their ability to manage their time and prioritize tasks helps them to facilitate a smooth repair process that’s free of error. If you’re good at managing your time well, consider becoming an auto body estimator after completing your training.
Are you exploring careers in the auto industry?
Get the training you need with a program at ATC Surrey!