Faulty Transmission? Here are 3 Ways to Troubleshoot for Auto Careers
The transmission is one of the most essential parts of a car, ensuring a smooth ride and performance. That’s because it controls the amount of power that gets transferred from the engine to the wheels. Although many vehicles use an automatic transmission, it’s important to check on this component regularly and make sure it’s operating at its best. Doing so can help you reduce future damage and even accidents on the road.
Transmissions are known to be complex, so identifying issues and fixing them may not be an intuitive process. However, your auto mechanic training will help you gain the skills and knowledge you need to efficiently troubleshoot and fix key auto issues. Read on for tips and tricks that can help you identify transmission issues in your auto career.
1. Check the Transmission Fluid for Any Issues
If you suspect a faulty transmission, then it’s always a good call to check on the car’s transmission fluid. To do so, you can leave the car in park and look for the transmission under the hood. You’ll want to make sure that the transmission fluid is at the right level and the right colour: a clear light red. If the colour is too dark or brown, then chances are the transmission fluid is old, dirty or possibly burnt.
Another thing to watch out for is leaking transmission fluid. Here, you’ll want to identify the source, like a faulty gasket or a bad radiator cap. If the fluid continues to leak onto the exhaust pipe, it can cause more damage. Regardless of the cause, checking that the transmission fluid is in great condition should be a top priority for those in auto careers.

2. Identify Problems with Gear Shifting or Slipping in Auto Careers
A car may have transmission issues if it won’t easily change gears or stay in gear. Things to keep in mind are whether or not the car moves suddenly, vibrates or produces a high RPM (revolutions per minute) when shifting gears. If it does, then leaking transmission fluid may be the cause. It’s incredibly important to fix this issue since a slipping transmission creates unsafe driving conditions. Clients may not be able to control when the car slips gears because of this, making repairs a high priority.
If you’re looking to become an auto mechanic, you can prepare for your career by learning about the potential causes of faulty transmissions. Those working in this field can also warn their clients to be on the lookout for rough shifts (such as grinding or shaking) if they suspect this issue. This can also include delayed engagement, a potential indicator of a faulty transmission.

3. Be on the Lookout for Strange Sounds, Smells or Movements
In addition to the first two steps, keep an ear out for unusual sounds. Any humming, buzzing, whining or clunking sounds may be coming from the transmission. This can potentially indicate damaged gears, low transmission fluid or a bad wheel bearing.
If you notice a burning smell, then it could be that your transmission fluid has been burnt. You’ll be able to tell if the smell traces back to your transmission and the colour is darker than it should be—a sign that your transmission fluid is overheating due to a lack of lubrication, excessive friction and heat.
Knowing about these tips and being ready to efficiently troubleshoot a faulty transmission can help you succeed in your career. Your auto mechanic training can help you get the first-hand experience you need to build your confidence and get ahead in your career.
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