How to Find the Right Employer for You After Your Auto Technician Courses

A new year is just around the corner, which means pursuing a fulfilling career (and maybe even getting out of a boring 9 to 5 job) may be at the top of your list of resolutions. If working with cars all day sounds like a pretty great gig, we don’t blame you. Who wouldn’t want to get their hands dirty fixing vehicles?
As you may know, enrolling in auto technician school is the first step to an exciting career in the automotive industry. After you finish your courses, however, you still need to find a place to work. Thankfully, with 6,400 job openings for automotive service technicians expected in British Columbia over the next decade, you can be a bit choosy about who you work with.
So as you take the next step on your path to a new career, keep these tips in mind for finding the right employer for you.
Do You Get Along with Your Employer and Colleagues?
The difference between a job you love and one you dread is often the people you work with. As an auto technician, you’ll be expected to work by yourself a lot of the time, but it’s still important you get along well with your future boss and colleagues.

One way to find out if you click with a garage’s workplace culture is to simply go visit it in person and introduce yourself to the people there. Does your personality gel with the employer? Do the other people who work there look like they enjoy their jobs? The answers to those questions will be pretty good indicators of whether or not the garage is an enjoyable place to work.
Will They Sponsor Your Auto Mechanic Apprenticeship?
To become a certified auto mechanic, you will need to complete your auto mechanic apprenticeship, which usually takes about 3 to 4 years and includes both in-class and workplace experience. To get the necessary 6480 workplace hours needed to complete certification, your employer must agree to sponsor you. While this is usually made clear in the job posting, verify that the garage will actually sponsor you. Some positions are open to 1st-year apprentices, while others are limited to 2nd- or 3rd-year apprentices.

Also, if you have completed some pre-apprenticeship auto technician courses, find out if your employer will give credit for those course hours towards your Auto Mechanic Certification (Apprenticeship). Some employers will, which can help you earn your certification faster.
What Kind of Compensation/Benefits Are Offered to New Auto Mechanics?
While working in the automotive sector can be a lot of fun on its own, you do want to be able to take home a decent pay cheque at the end of the day! Asking about pay and benefits can be a bit delicate. After all, you don’t want to bring up the topic right away or else you’ll look like you only care about the money and not about the quality of your work.
Luckily, because auto mechanics are in such high demand, many garages will state in their job postings what kind of compensation and benefits they offer. If they don’t, feel free to ask once you’ve completed the initial interview and you’ve received a job offer.
Are you eager to pursue an exciting car repair career?
Contact Automotive Training Centres today to find out how our hands-on training can help you break into the automotive industry.