Whether it is gasoline or diesel, every car with a combustible engine requires fuel to function. However, the fuel alone is no use without a reliable and efficient way for it to reach the engine. That’s where the fuel injection system comes in.
Fuel injection systems are essential to keeping cars running, which is why students can look forward to learning how to safely service gasoline engines, fuel injection systems, and more throughout their training.
Want to get a head start on your training curriculum? Read on to learn more about the fuel injection system.
Automotive Service Technicians in Training Learn the Purpose of Fuel Injection Systems
In order for an engine to run properly, it needs the right amount of fuel, at the right velocity, and at the right time. To do that, the fuel injection system interprets what demand is being put on the vehicle by the driver and supplies the appropriate amount of fuel to the engine. As any professional automotive service technician knows, vehicles simply cannot function without a working fuel injection system. When the system is working in a highly efficient manner, it can even improve the car’s fuel economy and emissions.

Students in Auto Service Technician Courses Understand How Fuel Injection Systems Function
The fuel injection system is a small part of a bigger system that ensures the engine receives gasoline. It begins when the driver steps on the gas pedal, which is connected to the throttle valve. The throttle valve regulates how much air is released into the engine, so in some ways the gas pedal could be seen as an air pedal.
When the driver steps on the pedal, the valve opens—allowing air into the engine. Once this happens, the computer that controls the engine reads how wide the throttle was opened and, based on that information, determines how much fuel will be needed. The whole process happens simultaneously, because it is essential for the fuel and air to be introduced at similar speeds to facilitate combustion.
As you may learn during your auto service technician course, this is where the fuel injector comes into play. It is electronically controlled by the car’s computer. Once the injector is put into motion by the computer, a plunger opens the valve which allows highly pressurized fuel to squeeze out of the nozzle. The fuel is released as a spray in order to improve its combustibility in the engine. It is sprayed directly at the engine’s intake valves where it is quickly delivered to the engine so the combustion process can continue to power the vehicle. This whole process happens seamlessly and continuously while a vehicle is in motion.
Automotive Service Technicians in Training Take Precautions When Servicing Injection Systems
Like any other vehicle repair you will learn about during your studies, servicing fuel injection systems requires following important safety precautions. During engine maintenance, the injection system can cause harm to the technician if not properly handled, because the fuel is highly pressurized. Even after the engine has been shut off, residual pressure can still remain in the fuel lines. Before you begin servicing an engine, make sure to relieve the pressure and safely capture the fuel as it becomes depressurized.
Are you interested in learning more about becoming an auto service technician in Toronto?
Contact an advisor at Automotive Training Centres today!