If you choose a career in transportation operations and dispatching, you will become part of one of Canada’s biggest industries. Trained dispatchers possess the knowledge of industry-standard software as well as the skills and confidence required to perform in several different positions and roles. Some of the positions available to trained dispatchers include operations manager, logistics and brokerage clerk, local and highway dispatcher, fleet maintenance officer, and more. The opportunities are many and positions are in-demand!
Experienced dispatchers have considerable knowledge of how the job works. One thing that a dispatch veteran might tell you about is the importance of having good geographical knowledge when you’re working in the industry. Check out why geographical knowledge is important and how it can help you throughout your career in transportation operations and dispatching.
Geographical Knowledge is an Asset for Your Operations and Dispatching Career
As a transportation dispatcher, you are responsible for monitoring driver safety and making sure that clients’ delivery schedules are respected. There are many things to consider when you are making arrangements for a particular transport. One thing that you will definitely have to do is chart an itinerary for drivers. Deciding which roads to take depends on many factors, but what is certain is that your company’s clients will expect the most efficient service possible.

When scheduling transport movements, you might have to think creatively, and this is where having good geographical knowledge after dispatch training can come in handy. If, for example, one rig is going to a particular location for one client, and you happen to know that another client’s goods have to be moved to a location that is on the way, you can keep one rig in the yard to be used for another delivery. This can save time and money for your company and for its clients.
Knowing your territory allows you to make informed decisions. Sometimes, a certain route might look very good in theory when it could in fact create complications that your software cannot inform you about. Personal experience and practical knowledge are sometimes better than relying on third-party information.
How to Improve Your Geographical Knowledge After Dispatch School
Developing your geographical knowledge begins with understanding the territory that your company operates in. You must ask yourself questions like: what are the main highways, and do those highways take you through or around major cities? After dispatch school you might also find it helpful to keep a notebook or log during your career to keep track of incidents and changes on certain routes. If something which causes a delay on a certain highway happens once, it is normal. But if it happens two or three times, then it might be time to consider an alternate route. Keeping a log allows you to verify your company’s driving history and to make informed decisions about the most efficient itineraries.

Once you have developed your geographical knowledge, you will be able to make everyone’s job easier. You can inform drivers about delays or road-closures and take action to make sure that deliveries arrive at their intended destination on time. That way you can help your company chart the most efficient itineraries so that it can offer clients competitive services.
Are you interested learning dispatch training in Toronto?
Call the Automotive Training Centers today!