Auto repair shops are facing a huge shortage of skilled workers. This is due to the fact that Baby Boomers are retiring in large numbers and there are not enough young job seekers to take their places. That has left shops scrambling to attract and retain new talent.
Auto shops are aware that job seekers have a distinct advantage in the current market. Simply put, if a shop doesn’t make an effort to keep its current auto mechanics happy, those mechanics can easily find another employer who will make the effort. So how are shops stepping up their game to attract and retain employees? Read on to find out.
Auto Repair Shops Are Providing Ongoing Training to Auto Mechanics
Vehicles are getting more complex than ever before, with electric vehicles, sensors and computers all changing how cars and trucks run. As a result, auto repair shops need to provide their employees with ongoing training to ensure their skills and knowledge are up-to-date.
Auto manufacturers already give their technicians ongoing training so that they can handle the latest developments in auto technology, and this trend is likely to spread to auto repair shops too. Ongoing training helps auto mechanics feel more confident in their jobs while also giving them the skills they need to progress in their careers.

Auto Shops are Offering Mechanics More Competitive Salaries
While pay isn’t everything, it certainly can make a difference. The median wage for automotive service technicians in Canada is $24 per hour, with some mechanics earning above $37 per hour on the high end of that scale. If you were to work a 40-hour week, for instance, that would be close to a gross annual income of about $50,000, making earning a comfortable salary possible once you finish your training and become a mechanic. To sweeten the deal, you may find some shops even offer sign-up bonuses.
Some Shops Are Giving New Auto Mechanics Additional Benefits
It’s not just a competitive salary that auto repair shops are offering. Some are going a step further and giving new hires additional benefits in return for employee loyalty. For example, a few are offering to cover the cost of tools and boots in exchange for a new employee staying with them for a pre-determined period of time. Others are offering more flexible scheduling, such as only requiring employees to work a limited number of weekends or allowing them to begin their shifts later in the morning. Health and dental benefits and RRSP contribution matching are also increasingly being offered.
Auto Mechanics Are Offered Incentives for a Job Well Done
Good employees should be rewarded for their hard work, which is why auto repair shops are stepping up their game to provide their workers with performance-based incentives. For example, a shop may offer their mechanics bonuses for achieving certain milestones, such as if a customer goes out of their way to mention the great service they received.
Additionally, auto repair shops are realizing that auto mechanics need to know how they can progress in their auto careers. To do that, some shops show new hires how long they can expect to stay in an entry-level position and what they need to do to move up the job ladder. Mapping a clear path to career progression helps employees stay focused on their goals and loyal to their employer.

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Contact Automotive Training Centres today to learn more about our programs!