Investing in Higher Education: Your Best Investment
With the world economic and job market troubles dominating the news, it’s easy to start assuming that a diploma or degree is not worth the cost. This assumption, however, is not accurate. According to a special report prepared by TD Economics, “investment in post-secondary education remains the single best investment that one can make.”
The TD Economics report indicates that apart from increasing your opportunities for employment, higher education can:
- Improve your odds for full-time employment (Statistics Canada’s 2010 Labour Force Survey (LFS) showed that individuals with a post-secondary education were more likely to have a job and generally more successful in finding gainful employment)
- Make unemployment less likely (88% of post-secondary graduates had full-time employment)
- Lower the duration of unemployment if a job is lost
- Help to facilitate retraining and/or skills development
- Raise your annual income
Taken together, these can ensure a higher standard of living for you and your family. The report acknowledges the upfront costs of education, but it argues that this is a short term obstacle, while the benefits of education are long-term. In fact, it states that “investment in education is better than any other financial investment,” with an average annual return of 10% and up for degrees and diplomas. In other words, the easiest way to be successful is to invest in yourself, and the best personal investment is in education.
This is particularly true when you consider that the demand for higher-skilled workers looks set to continue in Canada, as the country’s aging population will likely lead to shortages in many trade occupations. TD cites a report entitled “Looking–Ahead: A 10-Year Outlook for the Canadian Labour Market (2006-2015) by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)” which indicates that the educational requirements of jobs are rising and future employment growth will be most significant in occupations in occupations requiring on-the job training.
Combining these findings with new emerging auto technologies and the automotive industry’s continued importance to the local job market and economy, it’s clear that now is a great time for automotive career training. Investing in a training program at the Automotive Training Centre can be the first step to a long-lasting and fulfilling career in the auto industry. ATC offers a wide range of programs, including Automotive Service Technician, Auto Body Technician, Auto Parts, Auto Sales & Leasing and more, ensuring that if you have a passion for cars, we have a program for you. Now’s the time to get started. Don’t be left behind.