Maintaining Vehicles During the Summer: A Guide for Auto Mechanic Training Program Students
As the weather gets warmer, car maintenance might be the last thing on anyone’s mind. However, if you’re considering a career as an auto mechanic, it’s important to be aware of the toll that high temperatures can take on a vehicle. The hot summer months can lead to increased wear and tear on a vehicle’s components, making regular maintenance especially important. During your auto mechanic career, knowing how to help drivers keep their vehicles running properly throughout the summer will be important in ensuring that you’re providing quality service to customers.
Read on to discover five top tips for maintaining a vehicle’s condition throughout the summer.
1. If You Want to Become a Certified Mechanic, Monitor a Vehicle’s Tire Pressure in the Summer
In high temperatures, a vehicle’s tires can become more vulnerable to blowouts and extreme reductions in air pressure. This is because the heat conducted by the asphalt and pavement on the roads is often absorbed by the tires, leading them to burst open at high speeds. When you become a certified mechanic, it’s important to ensure that each vehicle you service has adequate tire pressure. Properly inflated tires can greatly reduce the risk of an accident in the summer, so checking the tire pressure regularly throughout this hot season is crucial to any driver’s safety.

2. Check the Battery Frequently
A vehicle’s battery can be affected by extreme heat. In the summer, car batteries are more likely to lose battery liquid, or electrolyte due to evaporation. With evaporation, the rate of corrosion on battery terminals and connections can increase. During the summer, check a vehicle’s battery frequently to ensure that the battery terminals are not corroding and that the battery is securely attached. You might need to clean the battery or tighten the connections to prevent lasting damage.
3. Maintain Levels of Coolant and Other Important Fluids
Coolant plays an important role in keeping vehicle’s cool during the summer, and especially in the case of prolonged sun exposure. After graduating from an auto mechanic training program, it’s important to remind drivers to check their coolant levels regularly, in addition to monitoring other necessary fluids. AC fluids, windshield washing fluid, brake fluid, power-steering fluid, transmission fluid, and oil should all be kept at an adequate level during the summer to keep a vehicle cool and prevent overheating.

4. Take Measures to Prevent Overheating
In addition to maintaining fluid levels, there are other measures that can be taken to prevent a vehicle from overheating during the warmer months. Drivers should always use a dashboard sunshade when parking their vehicle throughout the summer. These devices will keep a vehicle’s cabin cooler and protect the dashboard from exposure to UV rays. When possible, drivers might also try finding a shady spot to park.
5. Don’t Forget About Engine Oil
Despite the higher temperatures, drivers tend to use their cars more in the summer for road trips and vacations. The increase in time spent driving makes it even more important to maintain a vehicle’s engine oil throughout the summer. Engines rely on lubrication to function properly, and engine oil should be changed regularly in order to prevent engine trouble.
Use these tips throughout your auto mechanic career to help drivers stay safe on the roads in the summer. Your customers will thank you when the warm weather arrives!
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