Fuel filters are important, which is why auto mechanics will often check this component as a part of regular vehicle maintenance. Fuel filters make sure that any dirt or debris contaminating the vehicle’s fuel is taken out before it reaches the engine. Over time, the fuel filter can get clogged up with all that gunk and grime and stop working properly. This cuts down on both the pressure and volume of fuel in the car, and could result in a loss of power and momentum, as well as a busted fuel pump.
Here’s a look at how mechanics replace fuel filters.
Auto Mechanics Start by Relieving Pressure on the Fuel Lines
Before getting a fuel filter out, auto mechanics have to get rid of some of the pressure on the fuel system. Mechanics will start by accessing the fuse or relay box to pull out the fuse that allows the fuel pump to run. This stops the fuel pump from sending more fuel to the engine, which could build up even more pressure in the system. After that, the mechanic will turn on the vehicle’s engine, which will cause the injectors to lower the amount of fuel pressure on the system.
There are a few things experts with auto mechanic training will keep in mind as they work to relieve fuel system pressure. Firstly, they’ll want to make sure that the engine is turned on for only a minute or so after removing the fuel pump fuse. While running the engine until it dies is an indication that fuel pressure has been reduced, doing that can make it really hard to get the car started up again. Mechanics will also be sure to take basic safety precautions, disconnecting the battery after purging the pressure from the fuel lines so that the engine stays off while they work.
Steps Pros with Auto Mechanic Training Follow When Removing Fuel Filters
Depending on where the fuel filter is located, either beneath the car or under the hood, professional mechanics might need to jack up the vehicle. There could also be excess fuel in the lines that could leak or spray out, so graduates of a mechanic program should leave a pail under the filters to catch whatever fuel might escape the hoses. They should also make sure to wear work goggles and gloves while performing this repair to protect their hands and eyes.
The way in which fuel filters are connected to the fuel system will also vary depending on the vehicle. As a result, the tools that expert mechanics will need to disconnect them depends on what connectors were used to secure them to the canister and fuel lines. Once the hoses are removed, the fuel filter can be pulled out of its bracket and disposed of.
A Few Things That Mechanics Keep In Mind When Installing New Fuel Filters
Don’t toss out an old fuel filter right away. You’ll need it in order to make sure that the new filter is the same size and can be connected to the fuel system in the same manner. Some fuel filters have prongs that let hoses clamp on easily, while some will need to be refastened to the fuel system with a special connecting tool. Others may even need to be secured with a wrench.
Time is money, so pro mechanics will always verify that the fuel filter is exactly the same as the one they removed, so that there won’t be delays with the repair. Once the new fuel filter has been installed and the mechanic has verified that the hoses are properly fastened to prevent leaks, the repair is done!
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