Qualities to Look for When Hiring Truck Drivers After Transportation Training

truck dispatcher courses in BC

For many graduates of transportation dispatch training programs, hiring truck drivers is a very important part of their jobs. There is a reason why individuals who make these critical decisions need to be well-trained: you cannot have a successful transport operation of any type without capable, qualified drivers selected for the job!

As you progress through your dispatch training, you will begin to develop an eye for important characteristics in truck drivers. Check out this list of just a few of the characteristics you should look for as you move into your transportation dispatch career and begin selecting and hiring drivers.

Reliable and Responsible Drivers Are a Must for Transportation Operations

As any successful dispatcher knows, timeliness and punctuality is essential to keep transportation operations running smoothly. If one leg of a trip runs overtime or is delayed, the ripple effects of this event can cause many problems for you and your employer. Hiring drivers that have a track record of punctuality, and the level of personal responsibility required to maintain it, can go a long way in ensuring smooth operations. The first indicator of reliability you will have is whether the driver arrives on time for their interview. From there you can further assess the driver by inquiring about their strategies for punctuality on the job.

learn to dispatch transportation operations
Reliable drivers will help you keep your dispatch operations running on time

Make Sure Drivers Are Licensed After Your Transportation Dispatch Training

This point may seem obvious, but it absolutely cannot be overlooked: as you finish your transportation dispatch training, make sure that all drivers hired have an appropriate commercial driver’s license (CDL) with a clean driving record.

This is important for two reasons. First, ensuring that all employees have the required licensing to do their jobs protects your employer and their business from legal liability. Second, a clean driving record is a good indicator of a potential hire’s driving skills, and demonstrates that they prioritize safety on the road.

Mechanical Knowledge Can Be a Nice Bonus for Transportation Truckers

While not essential, another useful characteristic for a truck driver to have is a level of basic mechanical knowledge, especially with respect to the type of truck they will be driving. When a vehicle is driving hundreds of kilometers every day, some wear and tear is inevitable, and your driver may occasionally face mechanical problems. A driver who knows how to identify the problem with their truck, and either fix it themselves or quickly identify the resource or service they need for assistance, will be a major timesaver for your employer and the transportation operation as a whole.

Look for Fit, Calm Drivers After Your Truck Dispatcher Courses

Finally, as you learn to dispatch transportation operations, you will come to discover that truck drivers have quite difficult, often taxing jobs. Between the long hours, working independently, and managing the stress of tight deadlines and unpredictable traffic and road conditions, it takes a particular kind of temperament to thrive in this role. Look for individuals who are level-headed and have good stress management skills. Additionally, drivers with a basic level of physical fitness will also likely manage their jobs more effectively, as they will have the endurance required to push through the long hours of a long haul. With these tips in mind, you will be sure to find some excellent drivers to work with as you continue in your dispatching career.

Are you ready to learn more about dispatching careers?

Contact us at Automotive Training Centres to learn more about enrolling in truck dispatcher courses in BC.

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