Thinking About an Online Business Manager Automotive Course? Discover 5 Ways to Improve Virtual Communication Skills
After graduating from an online automotive training program, you could start a career as an automotive business manager. Strong communication skills are essential to any managerial role. You need to be able to communicate with both colleagues and clients, avoid any misunderstandings, and develop professional relationships. At ATC, students will learn about the psychology of business and leadership so that they graduate job-ready.
In today’s digital world, virtual communication skills are becoming more and more important. Students will need to be confident using video calls, emails, and chat functions to speak with others. Read on to find out how to improve your virtual communication skills for a career as an automotive business manager.
Use Video Call to Recreate Face-to-Face Communication When Possible
There is nothing better than face-to-face communication. According to some research, communication is actually only 7% what we say, and 93% how we say it. This means that non-verbal communication, such as body language and tone of voice, is incredibly important.
This can often get lost in a virtual environment, especially if businesses rely on email or text. In order to effectively communicate with others in auto careers, try to use video call applications like Zoom and Skype. You will find that it’s easier to communicate with your team when you are able to see their facial expression and hear their tone of voice. If this isn’t an option, it is always a good idea to just pick up the phone.

Create a ‘Virtual Water Cooler’ After an Automotive Course
The relationships that you make with your peers, professors, colleagues, managers, and customers throughout your automotive training and career will be important to your professional development. We encourage all aspiring automotive professionals to network as much as possible in the early stages of their career. It can be a great learning experience and could lead to future opportunities.
However, this can be difficult when learning online or working remotely. One way to overcome this as a business manager after automotive training online is to create a ‘virtual water cooler’. This is an opportunity for team members to socialize outside of work. It could be a weekly team catch-up or a Friday quiz night. The important thing is to make sure that you’re developing a relationship with your team as you would in person.
The same applies to customers. Taking the time to ask a potential client how their day is going or their plans for the weekend can help to create a personal bond that could even lead to more business.
Be Prepared to Communicate Virtually
Virtual communication requires the same amount of preparation as any face-to-face meeting, maybe even more. Before a video call, you need to check the following things:
- WiFi connection
- Camera
- Audio
- Background noise and appearance
A bad video call can damage relationships, so make sure that everything is working properly before the call. It’s also a good idea to make sure that you put yourself on mute whenever you are not talking to reduce background noise.
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