Success Cases & Testimonials

Richard Petts


Richard Petts


  • Automotive Service Operations Specialist (26 weeks)

Richard took our Automotive Service Operations Specialist and successfully graduated in October 2017 with a great passing mark. Richard ranked in the top 3 students of his class. Richard has a background in Carpentry and worked for Toyota in their factory for a number of years.

Richard did his practicum at Richmond Auto Body (Open Road Auto Group) and even before he graduated he got a job offer.

Richard works manages the Detailing shop overseeing their day-to-day activities.

Another happy graduate

Crystal Mulack Auto Mechanic

I chose this career so that when people see my custom work, they will say: “That’s Crystal’s!” I love what I do.

Originally, I wanted to be a mechanic. I had an opportunity to do “work experience” at a shop, and the people I worked for encouraged me to try my hand at body work. I found that I was good at, and actually liked it more than mechanical work!

Now that I knew what I wanted to do, I needed to find a school to teach me the fundamentals. I came across the Automotive Training Centre on the internet, and thought it sounded like the place for me. I was impressed by the program and by what other students had to say about their experiences there. Some had even opened their own businesses!

I went down to ATC and was given a tour by Dean, the director. When I saw students working on cars, everything just clicked for me. I knew that this was what I wanted to do, and that ATC was where to do it, so I enrolled.

I found the facilities to be good and overall, it was a great program. ATC gave me the foundation I needed so that when I went into a shop, I was not going in blind. I knew what I was doing, and my employer (which the staff at ATC helped me find) appreciates that. It has helped me a lot.

Now that I have finished the program and have a job in a shop, I am looking forward to the day I can own my own shop. If it wasn’t for ATC, I don’t think that I would have ever made it this far.
Being female has never held me back in this field either. I wanted to prove that a girl can ROCK in a career like this too – and ATC helped me prove that and increased my confidence level greatly!

Crystal Mulack, Graduate

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